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AimHi Earth is racing to activate millions of nature-first thinkers, to bring about a future where nature has a seat at every boardroom, political and kitchen table.

AimHi Earth is supported by leading lights like Sir Jonathon Porritt, Chris Packham CBE, Dr Cécile Girardin, Paul Hawken, Sir Tim Smit, Lord Jim Knight and Sabra Noordeen. This is how it began.

Our work has changed the direction of companies, the kits of football players, the speeches of Olympic medallists, the funding strategy of charities and the output of broadcasters.

I'm one of the Co-Founders, the CEO and the Chief Scientist.


What I'm particularly excited about is the extent to which people change their stances and behaviours following their experiences with us.

My "Primitive Times" mailer


You can sign up for my (very) occasional mailer here. It features beautiful and remarkable science, ideas about progress and occasional, choice memes.

Welcome aboard m'friend!

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